12 Registration of Professionals
1) This refers to the following professionals:
 Civil Engineers or related professionals;
 Architects or related professionals;
 Associate Engineers Building or Civil;
 Engineering Aides (Building or Civil); and
 Professionals who are certified for the different levels in the occupational standards
for Civil construction.
2) The requirement for Education and experience and the scope of professional
engagement for each professional are given hereunder and registration in the field of
construction may be effected as follows.
a) Graduate Engineers (civil or related) and Architects
1) Education
Applicant must hold at least a B.Sc. Degree, or the equivalent qualification in an
approved course, in architecture or engineering (civil or related) from a
recognized university or similar institutions.
2) Experience
Applicant may have zero to four years of experience relevant to the field applied
3) Professional Engagement
Applicant may be engaged either part-time or full-time in construction works of all
categories of projects.
b) Professional Engineers and Architects
1) Education
Applicant must hold at least a B.Sc. Degree or the equivalent qualification in an
approved course, in architecture or engineering (civil or related) from a recognized
university or similar institution.
2) Experience
a) Applicant shall submit satisfactory evidence of not less than four years of
relevant experience in the field of construction. The testimony letter should
bear reference number, sign and seal of the provider and should contain
information on salary and taxes.
b) The testimony of experience should show: duration; position; project type and
size (in terms of money) and recommendations. The testimony letter should
bear reference number, sign and seal of the provider and should contain
information on salary and taxes.
c) The testimony of experience shall be confirmed by the appropriate
Associations. Experience from Construction companies shall be confirmed by
Contractors Association; and experience from consulting firms shall be
confirmed by Consultants Association. A freelancer may show one approved
project for every year that he is not employed.
d) If the applicant has previous experience with qualification below B.Sc. degree
level, such experience shall be considered following the Civil Service Law. If
the applicant fulfills the experience requirement taking in to account the ones
acquired before B.Sc., he needs to have a minimum of one year of directly
relevant experience after his B.Sc. degree to qualify for professional architect
or engineer.
e) The experience required for M.Sc and Ph. D shall be as per Civil Service Law
3) Professional Engagement
Applicant must be engaged full or part time in responsible positions in Civil
Construction works such as building, transport, dams, etc.
c) Graduate Associate Engineer
1) Education
Applicant must hold an advanced diploma (or should be certified for Level V in
construction), or the equivalent qualification in an approved course in building or Civil
Engineering from a recognized university or similar institution.
2) Experience
a) Applicant may have up zero to four years of relevant experience in building or civil
engineering construction works. However, lack of it does not disqualify him from
this registration.
b) The testimony of experience should show: duration; position; project type and size
(in terms of money) and recommendation. The testimony letter should bear
reference number, sign and seal of the provider and should contain information on
salary and taxes.
c) The testimony of experience shall be confirmed by the appropriate Associations.
Experience from Construction companies shall be confirmed by Contractors
Association; and experience from consulting firms shall be confirmed by
Consultants Association. A freelancer may show one approved project for every
year that he is not employed.
d) If the applicant has previous experience with qualification below Advanced
diploma level, such experience shall be considered following the Civil Service Law.
If the applicant fulfills the experience requirement taking in to account the ones
acquired before advanced diploma, he needs to have a minimum of one year of
directly relevant experience after his B.Sc. degree to qualify for professional
architect or engineer.
3) Professional Engagement
Applicant may be engaged either part time or full time in building or civil engineering
construction works.
d) Associate Engineers
1) Education
Applicant must hold a advance diploma (or should be certified for Level V in
construction) or the equivalent qualification in an approved course in building or
civil engineering from a recognized university or similar institution.
2) Experience
a) Applicant shall submit satisfactory evidence of not less than four years of relevant
experience in civil construction works.
b) The testimony of experience shall be confirmed by the appropriate Associations.
Experience from Construction companies shall be confirmed by Contractors
Association; and experience from consulting firms shall be confirmed by
Consultants Association. A freelancer may show one approved project for every
year that he is not employed.
c) If the applicant has previous experience with qualification below Advance
Diploma (level V) level, such experience shall be considered following the Civil
Service Law. If the applicant fulfills the experience requirement taking in to
account the ones acquired before Advance Diploma, he needs to have a minimum
of one year of directly relevant experience after his Advanced Diploma (level V)
to qualify for the position of Associate Engineer.
3) Professional Engagement
Applicant must engage full or part time in responsible positions in civil construction
e) Graduate Junior Associate Technicians
1) Education
Applicant must hold a technical school certificate (10+3, 12 +2), (or should be certified
for Level IV in construction) or the equivalent from similar institutions in Drafting,
Surveying, Electrical, Building, Road, Construction, Plumbing, Carpentry, Masonry &
Metal works.
2) Experience
a) Applicant shall submit satisfactory evidence of up to four years of relevant
experience in civil construction works.
b) The testimony of experience shall be confirmed by the appropriate Associations.
Experience from Construction companies shall be confirmed by Contractors
Association; and experience from consulting firms shall be confirmed by
Consultants Association. A freelancer may show one approved project for every
year that he is not employed.
3) Professional Engagement
Applicant must engage full or part time in responsible positions in civil construction
f) Junior Associate Technicians
1) Education
Applicant must hold a technical school certificate (10+3, 12 +2), (or should be certified
for Level IV in construction) or the equivalent from similar institutions in Drafting,
Surveying, Electrical, Building, Road, Construction, Plumbing, Carpentry, Masonry &
Metal works.
2) Experience
a) Applicant shall submit satisfactory evidence of not less than four years of relevant
experience in civil construction works.
b) The testimony of experience shall be confirmed by the appropriate Associations.
Experience from Construction companies shall be confirmed by Contractors
Association; and experience from consulting firms shall be confirmed by
Consultants Association. A freelancer may show one approved project for every
year that he is not employed.
3) Professional Engagement
Applicant must engage full or part time in responsible positions in civil construction
g) Graduate Engineering Aides(10+2)And Graduate Junior Engineering
1) Education
Applicant must hold a technical school certificate (10+1=level I ) (or should be
certified for 10+2=Level II) in construction or the equivalent from similar
institutions in Drafting, Surveying, Electrical, Building, Road, Construction,
Plumbing, Carpentry, Masonry, metal work,… and four years of experience
2) Experience
Applicant may have zero to four years of relevant experience in fields of
construction, acquired after obtaining his certificate. However, lack of it does not
disqualify him from this registration.
3) Professional Engagement Applicant may be engaged either part-time or full-time in
civil construction works.
h) Engineering Aides and Junior Engineering Aides
1) Education
Applicant must hold a technical school certificate (10+1=level I) or(10+2= Level II) or
the equivalent from a similar institution.
2) Experience
a) Applicant Shall submit satisfactory evidence of not less then four years of relevant
experience in fields of construction, acquired after obtaining his or her certificate.
b) The testimony of experience should show: duration; position; project type and size
(in terms of money) and recommendation. The testimony letter should bear sign and
seal of the provider and should contain information on salary taxes.
c) The testimony of experience shall be confirmed by the appropriate Association.
Experience from Construction companies shall be confirmed by Contractors
Association; and experience from consulting firms shall be confirmed by
Consultants Association.
3) Professional Engagement
Applicant must be engaged in responsible positions in civil construction works.
4) Professional Engineers, Associate Engineers, and Engineering Aides are further
categorized based on their experience and these different state of professions are shown


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