Schools of Architecture Africa: Connecting Disciplines in Design and Development," a 2015 Carter Conference follow-up, was the focus of the Architecture|Africa Working Group.

For two days of formal and casual discussions with students, teachers, and the general public, Group hosted five prominent Ethiopian architects. The show "After the Millennium: Contemporary Architecture in Ethiopia" that the Ethiopian visitors displayed their work in was held in the College of Design, Construction, and Planning Teaching Gallery. The exhibition was co-hosted by the Goethe Institute in Addis Abeba, Ethiopia, and the Miami Center for Architecture and Design. It was organised by David Rifkind (FIU), Dawit Benti (EiABC), and Jürgen Strohmayer (EiABC). The exhibition, which featured 26 projects completed in Ethiopia since 2000, featured recent work from each of the visiting architects. demonstrating theinformal gatherings with the public, faculty, and students. In the College of Design Construction and Planning Teaching Gallery, the Ethiopian visitors displayed their creations as part of the exhibition "After the Millennium: Contemporary Architecture in Ethiopia." The Goethe Institute in Addis Abeba, Ethiopia, and the Miami Center for Architecture and Design both hosted the exhibition, which was organized by David Rifkind (FIU), Dawit Benti (EiABC), and Jürgen Strohmayer (EiABC). In the exhibit, which showcased 26 projects completed in Ethiopia since 2000, all of the visiting architects had recent work on display. The exhibition, which features 19 different practitioners and businesses,provided a thorough overview of the innovations in Ethiopia's urban built environment. Ethiopia has had tremendous economic growth over the past two decades, with the country's cities expanding quickly along with significant energy and transportation initiatives. The projects on display represent a diverse group of patrons and users, and they include significant works created with funding from national and regional governments, foreign embassies, the African Union, colleges, businesses, and cultural institutions. The architects Zeleke Belay, Yoseph Bereded, Addis Mebratu, and Meskerem Assegued talked about how their work is bringing about change in the Horn of Africa. Meskerem Assegued is an artist, curator, and author. The discussion panel

Standing room only was available for "Ethiopia Now," which was moderated by Donna Cohen and architect Dawit Benti. Eachdiscusses the place of architecture in the political environment today. The historic fabric of Addis Abeba was feeling the intense pressure of quick additions and subtractions. The architects collaborated with my senior architecture undergraduate students on a comparison study of the rapid urbanisation in Addis Abeba and Manhattan in addition to the public presentations. A surprising and useful collection of parallel physical and social circumstances were discovered through the research of seemingly unrelated locations.


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