Architecture, its effect on behavior and subconscious mind
Have you ever noticed a subtle feeling of calm when you enter certain buildings? Or the opposite - a sense of unease or even intimidation when entering other spaces? It turns out, architecture has the power to affect us in deep and life-altering ways - even those over which we often have no conscious control. This is because architecture is more than just the physical structures we inhabit. It's also a reflection of our culture, values, and beliefs. And when designed intentionally, architecture can profoundly shape our behaviors and even influence our subconscious minds. In this article, we’re going to explore these concepts further. We’ll look at some examples of how architecture shapes human behavior and even delve into the psychology behind it all. Ready to take a dive into this fascinating topic? Let’s get started! How Architectural Order and Symmetry Influence Human Calmness Have you ever walked through a building or outdoor space and felt an unexpected sense of calm? It may ...